Hearing is very personal for me. I was diagnosed with an Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) as a child. Now I wear hearing instruments, as does my teenage child who also has an APD. Wearing hearing aids is “normal” in our household, and gives me excellent insight into what it feels like to wear hearing aids in everyday life.

As a musician and a lover of music, I find the world has so much to listen to. Having been around family members with hearing loss my whole life, improving access to the sounds of the world has become a passion of mine. Everyone deserves the privilege of listening to music. 

I was born in France to American parents, and lived all over the world before moving to New Zealand in 2006. My first job in audiology was in the research laboratory, studying lipreading. Since that time, well over 25 years ago, I have worked in private clinics, university settings, hospitals, as well as in the manufacturing sector. 

When I’m not working, you can find me teaching the Zentangle® Method. I love to draw, crochet, weave, and create mixed media art. You will always find me listening to – or creating music on violin, viola or piano. Sometimes, you might even find me busking in Birkenhead or Takapuna!

New Zealand,
make that appointment

And give yourself a pat on the back for being proactive