Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question about hearing, hearing loss, or hearing aids, there's a good chance someone else has already asked it. We've compiled a list of questions and answers to help you navigate some of the most common inquires.

A list of questions.

Q1: Does my partner have selective hearing or a hearing loss?

It can be difficult to tell sometimes. Attending to the person speaking is important so make sure you have your partner's attention first before speaking. Hearing loss can look like lack of interest or poor attention but that's not likely the case. The best way to know for sure is have a hearing test. Suggest your partner visit your local audiology expert

Q2: I have tinnitus, can you fix it?

There is no known cure for tinnitus; however, it can be treated and managed. Our audiologists use a combination of sound therapy and counseling to help you manage the perception of tinnitus. Hear more >

Q3: Do I really need two hearing aids?

The answer is almost always yes! Our brain needs information from both ears to make a complete picture of what's happening around us. It's similar to our eyes - try covering one eye and see if you can determine how far away objects are. It's quite difficult. Our ears are the same. They need each other to help us know where sound is coming from and it gives us better perception. 

Q4: Why are hearing aids so expensive?

Hearing aid prices have two very important components, the devices themselves and your audiologist. Your audiologist will provide expert services for the entire first year you have your hearing aids to ensure your devices are fitting and functioning just right for you. The devices are miniature computers processing thousands of bits of information every second. Although we can't restore your natural hearing, these computers do a remarkable job giving you back the sounds you're missing.

Q5: I bought hearing aids somewhere else, can I still visit you?

Absolutely! We are happy to help with any of your hearing needs, no matter where you purchased your hearing aids. Our audiologists are familiar with all brands of devices and are ready to help with any issues you may have.

Q6: What percentage of hearing loss do I have?

As audiologists, we rarely discuss hearing loss in terms of percentage lost. It's difficult to calculate as our hearing acuity is often dependent on the pitch we are listening to and we may have more loss at some pitches than others. Instead, we categorize the loss: slight, mild, moderate, moderately-severe, severe, and profound. Your audiologist will discuss the degree of your hearing loss with you when you have a full diagnostic exam.

Q7: I feel off-balance, does that mean I have a hearing loss?

It's possible. Our inner ear of hearing and inner ear of balance are connected to each other. If you are experiencing difficulty with your balance or have dizziness, visit your local audiologist to evaluate the symptoms and potential impact of hearing loss.

Q8: Does ACC pay for hearing aids?

ACC may help cover a portion of your hearing aids if your hearing loss is considered a result of occupational noise exposure. Your audiologist will discuss the process if you believe your work environment may have caused your hearing loss.

Q9: Does hearing loss cause dementia?

We are getting more data every day that shows a link between untreated hearing loss and dementia. Hearing loss is one the few modifiable risk factors for dementia so it's important to get your hearing loss treated as soon as possible. Visit your local audiologist for a full audiological evaluation to determine if your hearing may be putting you at unnecessary risk for dementia.

Q10: I have a pair of hearing aids from a friend, can you make them work for me?

Sometimes! However, every person and every ear is different. Some hearing aids can be modified to work for a different person but generally speaking, it's best to have a pair that are just for you. Visit with your local audiologist to find out more about your particular situation.

New Zealand,
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And give yourself a pat on the back for being proactive

Great news - a FREE basic hearing check is available to everyone aged 18 and over.